- get() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Gets the current value of timer.txt
- getAbbreviatedName() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
- getAllMapsFromDisk() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets an updated list of maps from the maps.txt
- getAllTeamsFromDisk() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
Loads all teams in from the input/teams.txt
- getCurrentTimer() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
- getCurrentTimerStartLength() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
- getDefaultInputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the default (OS specific) application input folder path.
- getDefaultOutputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the default (OS specific) application output folder path.
- getInitialTimerLength() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Gets the total length of the timer.
- getInputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the currently set application input folder path.
- getInstance() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
- getMasterController() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
- getOutputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the currently set application output folder path.
- getPrimaryStage() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
- getScsBracket(int) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
- getShortName(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Parses `teams.txt` to get a team's longName from its shortName.
- getStartTime() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
- getTeamFromDisk(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
Loads a team from the output/Team$.txt
- getTeamLogo() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
- getTeamName() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
- getTimerPaneController() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master
- getTournamentName() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the current tournament name from file
- getTourneyNumber() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the current tournament number from file
- goistreamtoolredux - package goistreamtoolredux
- goistreamtoolredux.algorithm - package goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
- goistreamtoolredux.controller - package goistreamtoolredux.controller