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addTeam(String, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Adds a team with no logo Updates teams.txt.
addTeam(String, String, Path) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Adds a team with no logo Updates teams.txt.
anchorPane - Variable in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.MapPane
anchorPane - Variable in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TeamPane
App - Class in goistreamtoolredux
App() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.App
AppTimer - Class in goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
Singleton timer class.


checkForUpdates() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
checks GitHub for any new releases after current version.
clear() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.MapPane
Clears the current map (In UI and filesystem).
clear() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TeamPane
Clears the currently selected data, and empties the associated files.
compareTo(Team) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
compareVersions(String, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Returns 1 if v1 > v2, -1 otherwise
convertFormat(String, String, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Converts an image to another format
convertFromMinuteFormat(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Converts from MM:SS or M:SS to seconds
convertToMinuteFormat(int) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Converts from seconds to MM:SS format
createScene() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.SplashScreenLoader


FileManager - Class in goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
FileManager() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
findFile(LinkedList<Path>, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Takes a list of Paths and finds a certain file by name, excluding extension


get() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Gets the current value of timer.txt.
getAbbreviatedName() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
getAllMapsFromDisk() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets an updated list of maps from the maps.txt file
getAllTeamsFromDisk() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
Loads all teams in from the input/teams.txt file
getCurrentTimer() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
getCurrentTimerStartLength() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
getDefaultInputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the default (OS specific) application input folder path.
getDefaultOutputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the default (OS specific) application output folder path.
getInitialTimerLength() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Gets the total length of the timer.
getInputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the currently set application input folder path.
getInstance() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
getMasterController() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
getOutputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the currently set application output folder path.
getPrimaryStage() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
getScsBracket(int) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
getShortName(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Parses `teams.txt` to get a team's longName from its shortName.
getStartTime() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
getTeamFromDisk(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
Loads a team from the output/Team$.txt file
getTeamLogo() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
getTeamName() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
getTimerPaneController() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master
getTournamentName() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the current tournament name from file
getTourneyNumber() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Gets the current tournament number from file
goistreamtoolredux - package goistreamtoolredux
goistreamtoolredux.algorithm - package goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
goistreamtoolredux.controller - package goistreamtoolredux.controller


handleApplicationNotification(Preloader.PreloaderNotification) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.SplashScreenLoader


init() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
inputPath - Static variable in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
InvalidDataException - Exception in goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
A file read in by the application contains invalid data, typically due to outside tampering.
InvalidDataException(String) - Constructor for exception goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.InvalidDataException
isTimerRunning - Variable in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer


keyListener(KeyEvent) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master
Upon hearing a META+S keypress, throws a save() call to the currently active controller for the right side (main) content.


main(String[]) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Main - Class in goistreamtoolredux
Main() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.Main
MapPane - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
MapPane() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.MapPane
Master - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
Master() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master


newWarning(String, String, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master
noInputFolderPrompt() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Prompts user that input folder wasn't found.


outputPath - Static variable in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager


pause() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
Pauses the current timer state.
PREFERRED_THEME - Static variable in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master


refreshPreferences() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Attempts to refresh the application's preferences.
removeMap() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Remove the map image and name.
removeTeam(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Remove the currently set team from given team letter/identifier.
resetInputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Resets the inputPath to application default
resetOutputPath() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Resets the outputPath to application default
resetPreferences() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Calls Preferences.clear() on the FileManager's preference node - effectively resetting it.
resetPreferencesAction(ActionEvent) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.SettingsPane
Prompts the user if they would like to reset preferences.
restart() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
Resets the timer back to beginning value and starts it again


save() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.MapPane
save() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TeamPane
save(ActionEvent) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TimerPane
Saves the current changes to the Timer page
set(int) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Set the current value of the timer
setInitialTimerLength(int) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
Sets the value the timer will go to on initial start, or after a restart or stop
setInitialTimerTwoLength(int) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
setInputPath(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Sets the preferred input path
setLobbyTimerText(String) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TimerPane
setMap(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Sets the current map.
setMap(String, boolean) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Sets the current map, with or without spawn locations
setOutputPath(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Sets the preferred output path
setTeam(String, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Sets the current team.
setTheme(String) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.Master
Sets the current application theme
setTimeAtPause(long) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
SettingsPane - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
SettingsPane() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.SettingsPane
setTournamentName(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Updates the TournamentName.txt file.
setTourneyNumber(String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Sets the current tournament number.
showExceptionDialog(Exception, String, String) - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
SplashScreenLoader - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
SplashScreenLoader() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.SplashScreenLoader
start() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
Starts the timer (initial or after a pause), is one is not already running (i.e., AppTimer.isTimerRunning is false).
start(Stage) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.App
start(Stage) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.SplashScreenLoader
stop() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.AppTimer
Completely stops and cancels the timer.
stop() - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.App


Team - Class in goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
Team(String, String, Path) - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
Team(String, String) - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Team
TeamPane - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
TeamPane() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TeamPane
TimerPane - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
TimerPane() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TimerPane
Timers - Class in goistreamtoolredux.algorithm
Timers() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.Timers
timerTogglerAction(ActionEvent) - Method in class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TimerPane
Sets the currently active timer preference.
TournamentPane - Class in goistreamtoolredux.controller
TournamentPane() - Constructor for class goistreamtoolredux.controller.TournamentPane


verifyContent() - Static method in class goistreamtoolredux.algorithm.FileManager
Checks for input and output folders, creates them if necessary.
version - Static variable in class goistreamtoolredux.App
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